IASIS Micro-Current Neurofeedback

Try Our New Service for Free!

Are you frustrated with not seeing progress you want with other therapies or medication and want an alternative?

Are you having treatment resistance Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, TBI which is impeding your ability to live the life you want? 

Sign Up For MCN

What is IASIS Micro-Current Neurofeedback (MCN) Cedar Park, Texas


Highly effective alternative treatment for mental health symptoms

  • Natural & Safe 
  • Non-Invasive & Effortless
  • Painless & No Medications 

IASIS Micro-Current Neurofeedback (MCN) measures your brains signals then returns a tiny mirror image of the neuron wave resulting in improvement of the brains performance. 


This process effectively re-balances those neural pathways which result in allowing the brain to self-heal while simultaneously reducing anxiety, depression, ADD/ADHD and many other psychological impairments.


Great for Children Suffering With:

  • ADHD
  • ADD
  • Sleep
  • Autism & Spectrum
  • Anger

Adults Looking for Alternative Care for:

  • Drug Resistance for Mental Health
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Addiction
  • Eating Disorder
  • TBI
  • Sleep

What is MCN?

MCN is a mild, non-invasive therapy. It is a training tool for your brain to improve mental fitness. During a session, several small electrodes are placed on the client’s head, which monitor the client’s brain waves and gently stimulate new patterns of brain waves. Over repeated sessions, the brain learns to mimic these new patterns as it relaxes and becomes more flexible and resilient. The brain replaces faulty patterns that may be causing symptoms.

Which conditions does MCN treat?

Our practice has witnessed some AMAZING results in just a few sessions. After a course of MCN sessions (see below “How many treatments does it take”), we’ve seen improvement with:

  • Panic attacks.
    A client who was experiencing them daily has gone months without one using a combination of MCN and EMDR therapies.

  • Anger issues.
    A client whose family avoided her because of regular, disruptive outbursts no longer experiences anger to a level that causes her to act out.

  • Suicide ideation/self-harm.
    Multiple teen clients have stopped having thoughts of harming themselves because, in their words, “My brain feels calm now.”

MCN works for people who deal with:

  • Depression
  • Sleep issues (psychological, not medical)
  • Addiction
  • Anxiety
  • Traumatic Brain Injury/PTSD, and
  • Autism/Spectrum Disorder.

Who is this for?

If you’ve tried other therapy options and feel stuck, OR you’ve seen little to no progress with other therapies, MCN may be your solution!

Do I have to stop other treatments if I use MCN?

MCN can be used 1) as a standalone option, 2) to enhance other types of treatment, OR to help clients who have plateaued with traditional neurofeedback continue to improve.

What are the benefits?

Not only is MCN highly effective for treatment of mental health symptoms but it is:

  • Natural and safe
  • Non-invasive and effortless
  • Painless and medication-free

MCN treats many of the same conditions that traditional neurofeedback does.

Yet while individuals undergoing traditional neurofeedback treatment may take up to six months or longer to see optimal results, those who undergo MCN often report noticeable improvements in 3-5 sessions!

How much does MCN cost?

  • MCN costs $150 a session.
  • But since we want to make this effective, cutting-edge treatment available to as many people as possible, we also have discount package deals of 5, 10, or 20 sessions and a family package.
  • Plus, we offer a discount of 25% on your initial assessment.

Compared to other treatments:

MCN costs a fraction of other treatments (like TMS or ketamine treatment) that address the same issues.

How does it work?

  • We start with a free 15-minute phone consultation. Then, in our initial intake, we do a thorough assessment and evaluate your sensitivity to different stimuli. You’ll receive your first treatment the same day.
  • After your initial visit, a treatment session averages around 30 minutes, less time than a normal psychotherapy visit.

Does it really work?

To date, over 85% of our clients have had their symptoms improve with regular MCN treatment.

How many treatments does it take?

Eighty-five per cent (85%) of our clients notice a positive response in as few as 1-3 sessions. Most people need 10-20 treatments to see sustained results, and some people may require additional sessions for optimal results.

Your course of treatment will begin with frequent sessions scheduled close together. We re-evaluate after every 5-10 sessions. Gradually, we’ll schedule sessions farther apart as your symptoms improve until you achieve sustaining effects.

Want to know more (Click Here)?

Final Word

Stephanie Zimmerman, Clinical Director of Eco-Therapy Health

“I have been a practicing therapist for decades, and I was skeptical at first. MCN sounded too good to be true! But after being trained and certified, I began offering it to my clients and started to see unbelievable results. Clients who had struggled with depression, autism, anger issues, panic attacks, and more, were having marked improvement.

I’m convinced: While no treatment is the be-all-end-all, MCN IS an excellent, cost-effective treatment for many psychological conditions.”


Cedar Park Location

Main Office

Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun
Appointment Only
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